Personal Care Kit Instructions

We need your help to build Personal Care Kits

Whether you make one or a few Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits as a solo kit-maker, or hundreds as part of a kit assembly with your congregation, every kit you make will be cherished by the person who receives it in their time of need. Check out the Personal Care Kit Resources below and be sure to join our Quilters and Kit-Makers Facebook group to learn, share and fellowship with others who are putting their faith into action making LWR Personal Care Kits.

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What you'll need

Here are some items you will need for each kit. 
View our detailed Personal Care Kit instructions.

LWR Personal Care Kit FAQs

How many bars of soap should I include?

Include two or three bath-size bars of soap equaling 8 to 9 ounces. Do not include mini or hotel-size bars in the kits.

What brand of soap should I include?

Any brand of soap can be included.

Is it okay to send shower gel?

Do not include shower gel in the kits as bottles can easily pop open during transit.

Is it okay to send bath sheets?

Only lightweight, bath size towels (20” X 40” to 52” X 27”) should be included.

Do you accept used towels?

Only new towels should be included in Personal Care Kits.

Can I use toothbrushes from my dentist’s office?

Yes, toothbrushes from your dentist’s office can be included. If they are not individually packaged, place each toothbrush in a business-size envelope and seal (no plastic bags or wrap).

Do you need fingernail or toenail clippers?

Either type of clippers can be included in Personal Care Kits

Can I send a brush and a comb?

Please only include a comb in each kit.

Should the comb be wide-tooth or narrow?

When possible, please provide medium- to wide-tooth combs, so that members in all the communities we serve can utilize them.